I dreamed about being in an arena with a lot of other people dressed nicely in black. Everyone was talking and the show never started, and I was in the audience with them.

The Arena of Life: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream,
The dream of being in an arena with other people dressed in black can symbolize the struggles and challenges of life. The color black often represents darkness, sin, and spiritual warfare in the Bible. The fact that everyone is dressed nicely could suggest that these struggles are disguised or hidden, making them harder to identify and overcome. The arena itself can represent the world or society, where we are constantly surrounded by people and their opinions. This dream could be a reminder to be aware of the influences and distractions around us, and to stay focused on our faith and purpose. nnThe fact that the show never started and the dreamer was in the audience with everyone else could symbolize a feeling of being stuck or stagnant in life. This could be a warning to not get caught up in the busyness and distractions of the world, but to actively pursue our goals and passions. nnIn the Bible, the audience often represents the crowd or the masses, who may not always have the same beliefs or values as the dreamer. This could be a reminder to not conform to societal norms or peer pressure, but to stand firm in our faith and convictions. nnOverall, this dream could be a call to be vigilant and intentional in navigating the challenges and distractions of life, and to stay true to our faith and purpose. It could also be a reminder to not get caught up in the opinions and expectations of others, but to focus on our own journey and relationship with God. As 1 Peter 5:8 says, Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Let us not be deceived or distracted, but instead, let us stand strong in our faith and trust in God’s guidance and protection.