I was running errands and came upon a bunch of money in 100 dollar bills. As I walked inside a house I climbed a staircase and became underwater. I pulled out a baby and was on dry land again. Then I walked outside and found more 100 dollar bills and walked in the house a second time and I pulled two babies out in swaddle cloth in white and unwrapped the first baby and was on dry land again. The baby was alive beautiful and healthy and I held the baby as my own

Finding Abundance and New Life in Unexpected Places,
This dream is a powerful symbol of God’s abundance and provision in our lives. The dreamer is running errands, representing the daily tasks and responsibilities we all have. Suddenly, they come upon a large sum of money in 100 dollar bills. In the Bible, money often symbolizes blessings and abundance from God. This unexpected windfall represents the unexpected blessings and abundance that God has in store for us, even in the midst of our daily routines.

As the dreamer enters a house and climbs a staircase, they become underwater. Water is often associated with the Holy Spirit and represents purification and new life. The dreamer then pulls out a baby, representing new life and potential. This could symbolize a new opportunity or project that the dreamer will encounter in their daily life.

The fact that the dreamer is on dry land again after pulling out the baby suggests that they will successfully navigate this new opportunity and come out on top. The baby is alive, beautiful, and healthy, representing the potential for growth and success in this new endeavor.

The dreamer then finds more money and repeats the process, pulling out two babies this time. This could symbolize the potential for even greater blessings and abundance in the future. The swaddle cloth in white represents purity and innocence, further emphasizing the idea of new life and potential.

The dreamer holding the baby as their own could symbolize taking ownership and responsibility for this new opportunity and nurturing it to success. This dream is a reminder that God’s blessings and abundance can come in unexpected ways and places, and it is up to us to recognize and embrace them. It also serves as a reminder to trust in God’s provision and guidance as we navigate through life’s challenges and opportunities.