I found money, brought it home, saw someone at my window reaching up, so I went downstairs to talk to them. In the apartment were three very tall white people. They were friendly, but I was scared so I left. I'd noticed that I'd lost the money, but found it on carpeted stairs while walking back to my apartment.

The Biblical Meaning of Finding Money in a Dream,
In the Bible, money often symbolizes wealth, blessings, and provision from God. Therefore, finding money in a dream can represent unexpected blessings or opportunities coming your way. In this dream, the dreamer finds money and brings it home, indicating that they have received a blessing or provision from God. However, the dreamer then sees someone at their window reaching up, which could symbolize a temptation or distraction trying to steal their blessings. This could be a warning to be vigilant and protect what God has given them.

The dreamer then goes downstairs to talk to the person, which could represent confronting the temptation or distraction. However, upon going downstairs, they encounter three very tall white people. In the Bible, the number three often represents completeness or divine perfection. The tall white people could symbolize angels or messengers from God, indicating that God is with the dreamer and will help them overcome the temptation or distraction.

The dreamer is initially scared, which could represent fear or doubt in their ability to resist the temptation. However, the tall white people are friendly, indicating that God’s messengers are on their side and will help them. This could be a reminder to trust in God and not give in to fear or doubt.

The dreamer then notices that they have lost the money, but finds it on carpeted stairs while walking back to their apartment. Stairs in dreams often represent progress or spiritual growth. The fact that the money is found on the stairs could symbolize that the dreamer will regain what they have lost through their spiritual journey or growth. This could be a message to stay on the right path and trust that God will restore what has been lost.

Overall, this dream could be a reminder to trust in God’s provision and protection, even in the face of temptation or distractions. It could also be a message to stay on the path of spiritual growth and trust that God will restore what has been lost along the way.