Either several dreams or a long continuous dream I was on way to church P. Armando (Spanish ministry pastor) was driving and realized I had not showered. I took shower in a bathroom that was in church. I remember using pink bottles of Herbal Essence shampoo ( just like my daughthers use but they were half size) there was no body soap so I used the shampoo. In the bathroom there were 2 shower stalls 1st one was closest to the door & was open design/no doors, 2nd shower had glass doors. I used the one with glass doors farthest from the door. Natahlie (girl from my church) slept with a black muscular married man from church and she was pregnant from him. She came to my house crying to me upset late night (dont recall why - something to do with the guy). I tried comforting her. I remember I heard the word "strange fire" somewhere in my dream & woke up!

The Warning of Strange Fire: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream,
This dream may be a warning from God about the dangers of spiritual impurity and false teachings. The church represents the body of believers and the pastor symbolizes spiritual leadership. The fact that the pastor is driving may suggest that he is leading the way in the church, but his realization that the dreamer has not showered could symbolize a lack of spiritual cleansing or preparation. The pink bottles of Herbal Essence shampoo, often associated with feminine beauty and sensuality, may represent false teachings or worldly influences that have infiltrated the church. The dreamer’s use of the shampoo as body soap could symbolize a mixing of truth and lies, leading to spiritual impurity. The two shower stalls may represent two different paths or ways of thinking within the church. The open design of the first stall could symbolize a lack of boundaries or discernment, while the glass doors of the second stall could represent transparency and truth. The dreamer’s choice to use the second stall may suggest a desire for spiritual purity and discernment. nnThe appearance of Natahlie, a member of the church, may represent a warning about someone in the church who is involved in sinful behavior. The fact that she is pregnant from a married man could symbolize the consequences of sexual immorality and the potential for it to spread within the church. The dreamer’s attempt to comfort her may symbolize a desire to help and guide this person towards repentance and righteousness. The mention of strange fire in the dream could be a direct reference to Leviticus 10:1, where Aaron’s sons offered unauthorized fire before the Lord and were consumed by fire as a result. This could be a warning about the dangers of offering false or impure worship to God. Overall, this dream may be a call to examine the spiritual health of the church and to guard against false teachings and impurity, both individually and as a community of believers.