I dreamed that I along with various children, youth, and young adults from my church were being trafficked like slaves by two of my church's pastors. They kept calling us "merchandise" and forcing us to hurry up by using whips. I was able to escape by using a small golden sword to free myself and going through an open doorway which led me to a grassy green land.

The Biblical Significance of Being Trafficked in a Dream,
The dream of being trafficked by church leaders is a powerful symbol of spiritual manipulation and abuse. In the Bible, the concept of slavery is often used to represent the bondage of sin and the oppression of evil forces. In this dream, the church leaders represent those who claim to be spiritual authorities but are actually using their power to exploit and control others. The fact that they refer to the dreamer and the other victims as merchandise highlights their objectification and dehumanization of those under their influence. This is a warning to the dreamer to be cautious of false leaders who may use their position for their own gain rather than for the good of their followers.

The use of whips in the dream also carries biblical significance. In the Bible, whips were often used as a form of punishment and discipline. This could symbolize the harsh and oppressive tactics used by these church leaders to keep their followers in line. It is a reminder to the dreamer to be discerning and not blindly follow those in positions of authority, as they may not have the best intentions.

The small golden sword used by the dreamer to escape represents the power of God’s Word. In the Bible, the Word of God is often referred to as a sword, able to cut through lies and deception. This dream is a reminder to the dreamer to rely on the truth of God’s Word to protect and guide them, even in the face of spiritual manipulation and abuse.

The open doorway leading to a grassy green land symbolizes freedom and new beginnings. This is a message of hope and encouragement to the dreamer, assuring them that they have the power to break free from the bondage of false leaders and find peace and rest in God’s presence. It is a reminder that God is always with us, even in the midst of difficult and oppressive situations.

Overall, this dream serves as a warning to the dreamer to be cautious of false leaders and to rely on the truth of God’s Word for protection and guidance. It is a reminder that God is always with us, and He will lead us to freedom and peace if we trust in Him.