In my dream, my mom and I take my prodigal daughter, Berlynne on a vacation, to a hotel with a pool. We were there for some sort of gala. My daughter went to go swimming and had met another youngster and they were swimming. Off to the side of the pool, there was a room, where some of the women from the gala were talking. I had my purse in there. It had a $50 dollar bill inside. I had gone back to the room for a short minute, only for Berlynne to come back inside with her friend (as I was changing to go into the pool) to get ready for the gala, which was in a couple of hours. I went back out to swim, and then stopped in to grab my purse. I noticed my purse was open and my money gone. The ladies explained that the young girl, my daughter, with me had taken the money and left. I went back to the room to change for the gala. Upon leaving the room, I started calling for Berlynne Lillian Joy Kane, getting louder as I approached the ballroom. She walked out meekly from where she had been sitting. As I knelt down to her, I asked her where the money was. She said she didn't know what I was talking about. And behind me were the women, stating that she took the money. Again, I asked her repeatedly, until she finally fessed up and said she took it to her mom's house. I responded shockingly, "your mom's house?!" She said, "Yeah, my mom, Christina!" I then slapped her across the face, responding with, "Christina isn't your mom! I'm your mother! I gave birth to you! Christina is only your step-mom!" We got into an arguing match back and forth about this topic. Finally my daughter looked at me and blatantly yelled back, "You're not my mom! You'll never be my mom!" At that point in my dream, I remember bending her over my knee and spanking her a total of 50 times, for the $50 she stole! When she got up, I told her again, "I am your mother! I gave birth to you and raised you!" She looked back at me with so much hatred and anger in her eyes, saying, "You'll never be my mom! There's a gun back in the hotel room - the best thing would be to kill yourself!" And then she ran away from me. I stood there for a moment, if only to look at my own mom and start crying. I left for the hotel room, walked in and lifted the gun to my mouth. When I pulled the trigger, I woke up!

The Prodigal Daughter’s Betrayal: A Biblical Dream Interpretation,
This dream may symbolize the struggle between a parent’s love and a child’s rebellion, as seen in the biblical story of the prodigal son. The dreamer’s daughter represents the prodigal child who strays from their family and values. The vacation and gala may represent a time of celebration and joy, but the daughter’s actions bring turmoil and betrayal. The pool may symbolize the daughter’s desire for freedom and independence, while the room with the purse and money represents the dreamer’s possessions and material wealth. The $50 bill may symbolize the daughter’s desire for financial independence and the dreamer’s fear of losing control over her daughter.

The dreamer’s daughter taking the money and leaving with her friend may represent her rebellion and desire to break away from her family. The dreamer’s reaction of slapping and spanking her daughter may symbolize her attempt to discipline and control her daughter’s actions. However, the daughter’s response of denying the dreamer as her mother and telling her to kill herself may represent her deep-seated anger and resentment towards her mother.

In a biblical context, the dream may also symbolize the struggle between good and evil, as seen in the biblical story of Cain and Abel. The dreamer’s daughter may represent the rebellious and sinful nature of humanity, while the dreamer represents the loving and nurturing nature of God. The daughter’s betrayal and denial of her mother may symbolize humanity’s rejection of God and His teachings.

The dreamer’s decision to end her life may represent her feelings of hopelessness and despair in the face of her daughter’s rebellion. However, it may also symbolize the dreamer’s desire to escape from the pain and turmoil caused by her daughter’s actions.

Overall, this dream may serve as a warning for the dreamer to address any issues or conflicts within her family and to seek guidance and support from God in dealing with her daughter’s rebellion. It may also remind the dreamer of the unconditional love and forgiveness that God offers to all His children, even in the face of betrayal and rejection.