I was standing in my front yard looking up at a huge blood moon I remember giving all the glory to Yah. Then it appeared the moon was giving birth to another identical moon they were the same in every way . Then I heard what sounded like chariots coming down the mountain and I looked to my left and there were hundreds of people running by me and I started running not out of fear but I wanted to know why they were in such fear I ask a girl beside me and she screams run its coming . I did not know it at the time but it was my neighbor years prior her name is Tara , i came across a swing bridge that began to sway it was unstable And I fell into clean water and then it became swampy quick sand texture.. I remember I was not in fear at any point ..

The Prophetic Dream of the Blood Moon and the Swinging Bridge,
This dream is a powerful and prophetic message from God, revealing His plans and purposes for the future. The blood moon symbolizes a time of great change and upheaval, as described in Joel 2:31: ‘The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.’ This is a warning to prepare for the coming judgment and to give all glory to God, as the dreamer did in the dream. The birth of another identical moon represents the birth of a new era, a time of restoration and renewal. This is in line with the biblical concept of the ‘new moon’ as a symbol of new beginnings and God’s faithfulness (Psalm 104:19).

The sound of chariots coming down the mountain is a clear reference to the second coming of Christ, as described in Revelation 19:11-16. The hundreds of people running in fear symbolize the chaos and fear that will accompany this event. The dreamer’s lack of fear and desire to understand the situation reflects a heart that is seeking God’s truth and understanding in the midst of chaos.

The appearance of the dreamer’s neighbor, Tara, is significant. In biblical times, names held great meaning and often reflected a person’s character or destiny. Tara means ‘tower’ or ‘elevated place,’ which could symbolize a position of spiritual authority or a strong foundation in God. This could suggest that the dreamer’s neighbor has a role to play in the events to come.

The swing bridge represents a precarious and unstable situation, possibly symbolizing the state of the world during this time. The dreamer’s fall into clean water and then into swampy quicksand could represent a purification process, as described in 1 Peter 1:7: ‘These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold.’ This could also symbolize the separation of the righteous from the unrighteous, as the clean water represents purity and the swampy quicksand represents corruption.

Overall, this dream is a call to prepare for the coming judgment and to seek God’s truth and understanding in the midst of chaos. It is a reminder to give all glory to God and to trust in His faithfulness and promises for the future.