I dreamed that there was an elevator in my new house. For some reason I had left a large amount of dirty laundry on the floor of the elevator. As I was considering getting on the elevator, I caught the flash of what looked like a snake's tail rustling through the laundry on one side. I used the stairs to go between floors several times. Other floor was a showroom for some kind of remodeling consultancy agency. Somehow I engaged with a fairly unknown man (to me) but he felt like a "cousin". He knew my other real life cousin, who he convinced to help in a sort of tom sawyer white washing the fence trick. Carrying a pillow case to catch the snake, he told my cousin something like "but you're so good at catching snakes" and so my cousin seemed to want to be involved. We went back upstairs to look at the elevator entrance. I kept trying to use a phone app to xray the elevator and sort of lost touch with these two comforting figures.

The Symbolism of an Elevator and Snakes in a Dream,
The dream of an elevator in a new house represents a journey or transition in your life. The elevator symbolizes the ups and downs, the highs and lows, of this journey. The dirty laundry on the floor of the elevator suggests that there may be unresolved issues or emotional baggage that you are carrying with you on this journey. The snake’s tail represents hidden fears or anxieties that may be lurking in your subconscious. The fact that the snake is rustling through the laundry suggests that these fears may be causing chaos or disruption in your life. The stairs represent a more traditional and stable approach to navigating through this journey. The showroom for a remodeling consultancy agency symbolizes the need for change or transformation in your life. The unknown man who feels like a cousin represents a part of yourself that you may not be fully aware of or in touch with. The involvement of your real life cousin in catching the snake suggests that you may need the support and guidance of loved ones to overcome your fears and move forward in your journey. The use of a phone app to xray the elevator represents a desire for clarity and understanding in this process. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious mind processing and working through the challenges and changes in your life.