Dreamt that my husband was preaching on the pulpit. It seemed he could not read his written sermon on his cell phone. His expression on his face was like he was getting mad. He was behind the preaching stand and he started to tilt forward on it and both fell off the pulpit and I screemed. He was ok and got up and left and took his phone.

The Perils of Pride: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream About a Husband Preaching on the Pulpit,
The dream of a husband preaching on the pulpit is a powerful symbol of leadership and authority. In the Bible, the pulpit is often associated with the role of a prophet or teacher, someone who is called to speak the word of God to others. In this dream, the husband represents the dreamer’s own spiritual authority and influence in their marriage and community. The fact that he is preaching on a cell phone, a modern and convenient tool, suggests that he may be relying too heavily on his own abilities and not seeking guidance from God. This is further emphasized by his struggle to read his written sermon, indicating a lack of preparation and reliance on his own understanding rather than seeking wisdom from God’s word.

The husband’s expression of anger and frustration is a warning against the dangers of pride and self-reliance. In Proverbs 16:18, it says, Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. The husband’s fall from the pulpit symbolizes the consequences of pride and the need for humility and dependence on God. The dreamer’s scream represents their fear and concern for their husband’s well-being, but it also serves as a reminder to pray for humility and wisdom in their own leadership role.

The fact that the husband is able to get up and leave with his phone suggests that he may not fully understand the gravity of his actions and the need for repentance. This dream serves as a warning to the dreamer to pray for their husband’s spiritual growth and to seek guidance from God in their own leadership role. It also serves as a reminder to rely on God’s wisdom and not our own understanding, as Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

In conclusion, this dream serves as a cautionary tale against the perils of pride and self-reliance in leadership. It is a reminder to seek wisdom and guidance from God and to pray for humility and repentance in our own lives and in the lives of those in positions of authority. Let us remember to always submit to God and trust in His plans for our lives.