I was at school like a normal school day, but it was kind of confusing. All the freshmen met in the auditorium and the principal was yapping about something. I was with my best friend Lexi, and we were just talking about how Austin (my ex-guy best friend who broke my heart last year and hurt me in so many ways, but he was such a good guy at first) looks different and nicer this year. The principal then starts telling us that one person needs to meet in some room with some creepy old guy to give us flashcards of some random subject. I decide I would go first, and I go into the room. The creepy guy just looks at my body and smiles, which freaked me out. I quickly did the flashcards and left. However, no one was in the auditorium when I got back, so I started freaking out. I heard people coming from the gym, so I head there. I see Lexi and she asks where I was and I tell her I was doing the task thing, like the principal said. She had no clue what I was talking about. I then leave to get changed for PE and I come back to start warmups. However, there were desks in rows like a normal classroom in the gym, and I was right by Austin. We make eye contact for a second then he starts talking to his friend, Aiden. (In real life a couple days ago, I was at their football scrimmage and Austin and Aiden pointed at me and started saying something. Then they continued to glance at me, so I started overthinking everything and had a mental breakdown at the football scrimmage. I've been crying every night because I don't know what to do with my feelings for him still, missing what we used to have before it fell apart. At school he ignores me in the hallways and then glances at me when I'm not looking). I tap Lexi on the shoulder as she's sitting right in front of me, and I tell her to look to her right. She sees Austin and then mouthed to me, "He was looking at you." I feel a little confused why he was, but I start thinking of so many things I could be doing instead. The teacher, Coach Birk, walks in and starts telling us we need to run the mile, something we haven't done since middle school. We all groan, and he tells us to find a partner. But we never run the mile; Instead, he tells us to make a presentation about a song and we will present it during class. I pick the song "Lights Down Low" by Maejor. I decided I wanted to go last, so at the very end of class, I walk up there. I start talking and everyone is still talking in the crowd of students, even Coach Birk is. IT feels like no one is paying attention to me. I stop talking and realize Austin and Aiden are the only ones paying attention, and that makes me really self-conscious. I continue talking and I get my presentation done and over with. Austin then walks up to me and starts talking to me, but I don't remember what he said. We just sort of laugh and talk but then I wake up.

Confusion and Mixed Emotions at School,
This dream may reflect feelings of confusion and mixed emotions in your waking life. The school setting represents a place of learning and growth, but the confusion and chaos in the dream may suggest that you are struggling to make sense of things in your life. The presence of your ex-best friend, who hurt you in the past, may symbolize unresolved feelings and the desire to understand why things changed between you. The principal’s task and the creepy old man may represent challenges or obstacles that you must face in order to move forward. The empty auditorium and your friend’s lack of knowledge about the task may symbolize a sense of isolation and feeling lost in your journey. The desks in the gym and the unexpected change in plans may suggest that things are not always as they seem and that you must adapt to unexpected situations. The song Lights Down Low may represent a desire for intimacy and connection, as well as a longing for the past. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your inner turmoil and the need to confront and process your emotions in order to find peace and clarity.