I was at a mansion to do tile work in the bathrooms for an owner I didn't know. Then I appeared in a court room with Trump being held on trial. Madonna and Jill Biden were there and were flipping a black sheet into the air releasing dandelion wisps and laughing maniacally hard. A seamstress outside of the courtroom was mending a black tapestry and found proof of something to exonerate Trump. I woke up before finding out what she found.

The Mysterious Mansion and the Trial of Trump: A Dream Analysis,
The dream begins with the dreamer being at a mansion to do tile work in the bathrooms for an unknown owner. This could symbolize the dreamer’s desire for success and recognition in their work. The mansion represents wealth and luxury, which could suggest the dreamer’s desire for material success. The fact that the owner is unknown could indicate a feeling of uncertainty or lack of control in their career.

The dream then shifts to a courtroom, where Trump is on trial. This could represent the dreamer’s thoughts and feelings about the current political climate and their opinions on Trump. Madonna and Jill Biden’s presence could symbolize the dreamer’s conflicting emotions and thoughts about powerful women in society. The black sheet being flipped into the air and releasing dandelion wisps could represent the dreamer’s desire for freedom and release from societal expectations and pressures. The maniacal laughter could suggest a sense of chaos and unpredictability in the dreamer’s life.

The seamstress outside of the courtroom mending a black tapestry could symbolize the dreamer’s attempts to fix or hide something in their life. The proof she finds to exonerate Trump could represent the dreamer’s search for truth and justice in their own life. The fact that the dreamer wakes up before finding out what the proof is could suggest a fear of facing the truth or a desire to avoid confrontation. Overall, this dream could reflect the dreamer’s inner conflicts and desires for success, freedom, and justice in their personal and professional life.