I had a dream and it was night time in my dream and I saw a lot of black and grey moons in the sky and I saw a demon fell out of a black moon and was looking where to go and I went back to my house and I told my wife we need to lock the doors because I saw a black demon came out of one of the black moons and I said if 1 came out then many more are about to come out and then the next day pass by and it’s day time and I was trying to get glasses but they didn’t have my glasses and I woke up.

The Biblical Meaning of a Dream with Black Moons and a Demon,
This dream is filled with symbolism and can be interpreted in various ways. The night time setting represents a time of darkness and uncertainty, while the black and grey moons symbolize hidden or unknown forces at work. The demon falling out of a black moon could represent evil or temptation entering your life. This could be a warning to be cautious and protect yourself from negative influences. The fact that the demon is looking for a place to go could suggest that it is seeking to enter your life or home. This is why you feel the need to lock your doors and protect yourself and your loved ones. This could also be a reminder to stay vigilant and not let your guard down, as there may be more negative forces at work than you realize.

The next day being daytime could symbolize a time of clarity and understanding. You are trying to get glasses, which could represent a desire for knowledge and insight. However, not finding your glasses could suggest that you are struggling to see the truth or understand the situation clearly. This could be a reminder to seek guidance and wisdom from God in order to gain a better understanding of the situation.

Overall, this dream could be a warning to stay alert and protect yourself from negative influences. It could also be a reminder to seek guidance and wisdom from God in order to gain clarity and understanding in your life. The black moons and demon could represent spiritual warfare and the need to stay strong in your faith. Trust in God to guide and protect you, and do not let fear or temptation lead you astray.