I was in a queue and it was not my turn to be served. I told the person serving us I was sorry for bypassing others and would want to go the back of the queue so that the others who came before me could be served first. This person said it's okay, he was going to serve me. I paid him money without knowing what I paid for. In return, he gave me an overflowing bottle of anointing oil.

The Overflowing Anointing Oil: A Biblical Dream Interpretation,
In this dream, the dreamer finds themselves in a queue, waiting to be served. However, they realize that it is not their turn and they apologize for bypassing others. This shows a sense of humility and respect for others, which is a biblical principle (Philippians 2:3). The dreamer then expresses their desire to go to the back of the queue, allowing those who came before them to be served first. This shows a selfless and sacrificial attitude, which is also encouraged in the Bible (1 Corinthians 10:24).

The person serving in the dream represents God, who is always ready to serve and provide for His children. The dreamer’s willingness to wait their turn and their humility in apologizing and offering to go to the back of the queue pleases God, and He responds by saying that it’s okay and He will serve them. This shows that God values humility and selflessness, and He rewards those who possess these qualities (James 4:6).

The dreamer then pays the person serving without knowing what they are paying for. This could symbolize the act of giving to God without expecting anything in return, which is a biblical principle (2 Corinthians 9:7). The dreamer’s willingness to give without knowing what they will receive shows a deep trust and faith in God.

In return, the dreamer receives an overflowing bottle of anointing oil. In the Bible, anointing oil is often used to symbolize the presence and power of the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27). This could represent the dreamer’s spiritual blessings and anointing from God, which are overflowing and abundant. It could also symbolize the dreamer’s spiritual growth and maturity, as anointing oil is often used for consecration and setting apart for God’s purposes.

Overall, this dream encourages the dreamer to continue living a life of humility, selflessness, and trust in God. It also serves as a reminder that God is always ready to serve and bless His children, and He rewards those who seek Him with a sincere heart (Hebrews 11:6).