My daughter dreamed of her dead father in law ,she never met him also he was in the time of a young man returning from the army after Vietnam and he keep saying going to post 4 and getting up at 4 am

The Significance of a Dream About a Deceased Father-in-Law,
The dream of a daughter seeing her dead father-in-law, whom she never met, is a powerful and symbolic one. In biblical terms, the father-in-law represents a spiritual authority figure, someone who has passed on but still holds a significant influence in the dreamer’s life. The fact that the father-in-law appears as a young man returning from the army after Vietnam suggests that he may have been a soldier or a veteran in his lifetime, and his presence in the dream may be a message from God about the dreamer’s spiritual journey. nnThe number 4 is a significant number in the Bible, often representing completeness or wholeness. In this dream, the father-in-law keeps mentioning post 4 and getting up at 4 am, which could symbolize the dreamer’s need to complete a spiritual task or journey in order to find wholeness and fulfillment in her life. This could also be a reminder to the dreamer to wake up and pay attention to her spiritual life, as the number 4 am is often associated with the time of spiritual awakening and renewal. nnThe fact that the father-in-law is deceased but still appears in the dream could also be a message from God about the importance of honoring and remembering our ancestors and their influence on our lives. It could also be a reminder to the dreamer to seek guidance and wisdom from those who have passed on, as they may still have a role to play in our spiritual journey. nnOverall, this dream could be a powerful message from God about the dreamer’s spiritual journey and the need to pay attention to her spiritual life in order to find wholeness and fulfillment. It could also be a reminder to honor and seek guidance from our ancestors, who may still have a role to play in our lives. As with all dreams, it is important to pray for discernment and guidance from God in understanding the true meaning and message behind this dream.