In my dream, my husband and I have driven back to Iowa, to pick up the remaining items we left at my moms house. Upon our arrival, we learn my hate-filled brother is there, ordering my mom as to what she should do regarding the items we left. He has ordered her that she should sell the house and all our belongings inside. My brother comes storming out of the house and gets in my face, to threaten and belittle me. My husband attempts to pick up some items of his father's and move them into the truck. My brother bursts into the garage, threatening my husband to drop the items, stating they are his and mom's now. When my husband doesn't do as ordered, my brother then pulls out a gun and shoots him in the head, thus killing him. My mom just stands there and acts like her hands are tied. End of dream.

The Danger of Unresolved Conflict: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream,
This dream may be a reflection of unresolved conflict and tension within the dreamer’s family. The presence of the dreamer’s hate-filled brother and his controlling behavior towards their mother suggests deep-seated resentment and bitterness. The fact that the dream takes place in Iowa, the dreamer’s childhood home, may symbolize a return to past issues and unresolved emotions.

The dreamer’s husband represents a supportive and protective figure, but even he is unable to prevent the brother’s violent actions. This could symbolize the dreamer’s feelings of helplessness and powerlessness in the face of their brother’s aggression. The brother’s use of a gun to assert his dominance and control may also suggest a desire for power and a lack of empathy or concern for others.

The dreamer’s mother’s passive behavior could represent a lack of intervention or protection from a parental figure in the past. This could also symbolize the dreamer’s own feelings of being unable to stand up to their brother and assert their own needs and boundaries.

From a biblical perspective, this dream may serve as a warning against the dangers of unresolved conflict and the destructive power of anger and bitterness. In Matthew 5:22, Jesus warns against the consequences of harboring anger and hatred towards others, stating that it is equivalent to murder in the eyes of God. The dreamer may need to confront and address their feelings towards their brother and seek forgiveness and reconciliation in order to find peace and healing.

Additionally, the dreamer’s brother’s actions could also be seen as a representation of the enemy’s tactics to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). The dream may be a reminder to stay vigilant and guard against the enemy’s attempts to sow discord and division within the family.

In conclusion, this dream serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of addressing and resolving conflicts in a healthy and biblical manner. It also highlights the need for forgiveness, reconciliation, and the power of God’s love to overcome even the most difficult and painful family dynamics.