I dreamed that I am in a palace , there is a lot of light . And suddenly a baby cobra bites me! First in my thumb and then in my hand. Is quizzed her head in my hand in killed it. I was fine but with my wife we went to the hospital and we were about to go up the stairs when our German Shepard that died last year welcomed us with much love . We went up and everything was kind of dark . They put me in a hospital bed and were going to remove the venom when I woke up .

The Palace, the Cobra, and the Hospital: A Biblical Dream Interpretation,
The dreamer finds themselves in a palace, surrounded by light. This could symbolize a sense of grandeur and abundance in their life. However, this peaceful setting is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a baby cobra, which bites the dreamer twice. The cobra is a symbol of danger and deceit in the Bible, and its bite could represent a threat or temptation that the dreamer is facing. The fact that it bites the dreamer’s thumb and hand could suggest that this threat is affecting their ability to take action and make decisions. The dreamer then kills the cobra, which could symbolize their ability to overcome this threat with strength and determination.

The dreamer and their wife then go to the hospital, where they encounter their deceased German Shepard. In the Bible, dogs are often seen as loyal and protective companions, and the fact that the dreamer’s dog is deceased could represent a loss of this support and protection in their life. However, the dog’s loving welcome could symbolize the dreamer’s longing for this support and protection to return.

The dreamer is then taken to a dark hospital room, where they are about to have the venom removed. This could represent the dreamer’s desire to rid themselves of the threat or temptation that the cobra symbolized. However, the dreamer wakes up before this can happen, suggesting that they have not yet found a solution to this issue.

Overall, this dream could be a reflection of the dreamer’s current struggles and fears. It could be a reminder to rely on their strength and determination to overcome challenges, and to seek support and guidance from loved ones and from God. It could also be a call to address any temptations or threats in their life and to trust in God’s protection and guidance to overcome them.