I was in a building looking out of a window and I saw a gigantic crucifix moving slowly upright in the sky. Upon seeing it I was brought down to a kneel. The crucifix had the crucified Christ on it. There was blood seeping from all of His wounds. Jesus wore the crown of thorns. His head was hung low to the side so I did not see His face. The crucifix moved slowly while levitated upright down every street. A woman I have never seen before came into the building I was in and showed me a closed Bible and told me “to go outside”…I felt comfortable to go because she showed me the Bible. When I went outside a man wearing a pristine long white tunic/gown approached me and said, “Come with me follow me”…I did and He held my hand. I saw Jesus Christ was no longer on the crucifix. Everything around me looked dusty even the ground. At times He would go to speak with others I could not turn my head to see whom He spoke to. Then He would return at my side…We walked more. At the end of my dream the man wearing a pristine long white tunic/gown that I walked with was seated next to an elderly man with hair so white it looked like cotton. The old man he was sitting next to wore a long red tunic/gown. They conversation with one another while I knelt before them. The man wearing the long white tunic that I walked with told the elderly man wearing a long red tunic that he was seated next to…”She has a devastated heart and a good one”.

The Moving Crucifix: A Biblical Dream Interpretation,
This dream is a powerful and symbolic representation of the journey of faith and the transformative power of Jesus Christ. The building in which the dreamer finds themselves represents the world and the window symbolizes a spiritual perspective. The gigantic crucifix moving slowly upright in the sky represents the presence and power of Christ, who is the ultimate sacrifice for humanity’s sins. The dreamer’s immediate reaction of kneeling in reverence and awe shows their recognition of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

The blood seeping from Christ’s wounds and the crown of thorns symbolize the suffering and sacrifice that Jesus endured for the salvation of humanity. The fact that the dreamer cannot see His face suggests that they have not fully grasped the depth of Christ’s love and sacrifice for them.

The woman who appears and shows the dreamer a closed Bible represents the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the Word of God and the source of truth and wisdom. The dreamer’s comfort in following the woman’s instruction to go outside shows their trust in God’s Word.

The man in the pristine white tunic/gown represents Jesus Christ, who is described in Revelation 19:13 as wearing a robe dipped in blood. His invitation to the dreamer to follow Him symbolizes the call to discipleship and the journey of faith. The fact that Jesus is no longer on the crucifix suggests that He has risen from the dead and is now alive and active in the world.

The dusty surroundings and the dreamer’s inability to turn their head to see whom Jesus speaks to represent the distractions and temptations of the world that can hinder one’s relationship with God. However, the dreamer’s focus on Jesus and their willingness to follow Him despite the challenges is a testament to their strong faith.

The elderly man with hair as white as cotton represents wisdom and authority, and the long red tunic/gown symbolizes royalty and power. The conversation between the man in the white tunic and the elderly man suggests a meeting between Jesus and God the Father, with the dreamer kneeling in reverence before them. The man in the white tunic’s statement about the dreamer’s heart being both devastated and good reflects the human condition of being broken and in need of redemption, but also capable of goodness and love through the grace of God.

Overall, this dream is a powerful reminder of the love, sacrifice, and transformative power of Jesus Christ, and the call to follow Him on the journey of faith. It also highlights the importance of staying focused on Jesus and His teachings, despite the distractions and challenges of the world.