i dont remember how this dream started but i was at my old school and it was break time, i had discovered that my older brother died in my dream and i was sad about it but during the break i forgot about it because i was talking to my friend and teacher so it distracted me. then suddenly after the break i was in clas with my classmates and i realized i hadnt told my bestfriend my brother died then the teacher brought my brothers things saying we should pick one of each item but no one knew it was his but me. as they picked things i started to tear up and two of my classmates noticed and were whispering to each other then i suddenly bursted out in tears and ran out of the class. then i woke up crying.

A Dream of Loss and Distraction,
This dream may symbolize the struggle between grief and distraction in the face of loss. The dreamer’s old school represents a familiar and comfortable environment, but the discovery of their brother’s death disrupts this sense of security. The dreamer’s sadness is momentarily forgotten during the break, as they engage in conversation with their friend and teacher. This could represent the distractions and busyness of daily life that can temporarily push aside feelings of grief and loss. However, when the dreamer is reminded of their brother’s death in class, their emotions resurface and they are unable to contain their tears. This could symbolize the overwhelming and uncontrollable nature of grief.

The teacher bringing the brother’s belongings and asking the class to choose items could represent the process of letting go and moving on after a loved one’s passing. The dreamer is the only one who knows the significance of these items, highlighting their personal connection to their brother and the difficulty of moving on without him. The classmates whispering and noticing the dreamer’s tears could symbolize the support and understanding of others during times of grief.

From a biblical perspective, this dream could represent the struggle between faith and worldly distractions. The dreamer’s initial distraction from their brother’s death could symbolize the temptation to turn away from God in times of hardship. However, the dreamer’s eventual outburst of tears and emotional release could symbolize the importance of acknowledging and processing grief in order to find healing and comfort in God. The dreamer’s classmates could represent the community of believers who offer support and understanding during difficult times.

Overall, this dream may be a reminder to turn to God in times of loss and to find comfort and strength in Him, rather than being consumed by worldly distractions.