I’m driving in a car with someone. I tell them we have to stop because there are kids crossing from a school in front of us. Then the dream shifts to a woman trying to seduce this man to be with her. I am there and I’m telling her you can’t do that you’re married. Then in the dream I’m standing against a black door that’s open. There’s back trim and I spot this big black spider with red stripes coming at me. It runs across the top of the trim, down to the floor and then heads straight for me. I literally sit up in bed.

The Spiritual Battle Within: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream,
This dream is a reflection of the spiritual battle that is constantly taking place within us. The car represents our journey in life, and the person driving with us could symbolize a companion or guide on this journey. The fact that you are the one driving and making the decision to stop for the children crossing the road shows your sense of responsibility and care for others. This could also represent your desire to protect and guide those who are younger or less experienced than you.
The shift to the woman trying to seduce the man represents temptation and the lure of sin. The fact that you are present and trying to stop her shows your strong moral compass and desire to uphold biblical values. The open black door could symbolize an opportunity or invitation to give in to temptation, but you are standing against it, showing your resistance to sin.
The black spider with red stripes is a powerful symbol in the Bible, often representing evil and deception. It could also represent a specific temptation or sin that is trying to attack you. The fact that it runs across the top of the trim and then heads straight for you shows the persistence and determination of the enemy to bring you down.
Your reaction of sitting up in bed could symbolize your awakening to the spiritual battle and your determination to resist temptation and stand firm in your faith. This dream serves as a reminder to be vigilant and to rely on God’s strength and guidance to overcome the temptations and trials that we face in life. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, ‘No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.’