For me, the most significant image in my dream was the dead horses. There were so many of them and all laying on their sides as far as I could see. All black, not breathing. They were almost perfectly scattered through the field, maybe even hundreds of them. I could see their tail hair mixing with the field grass and some of the horses’ abdomen appear sunken. I was not afraid of all the death and instead felt an ache in my heart and an eerie feeling. What happened to all these horses here?

The Symbolism of Dead Horses in a Dream: A Freudian Perspective,
According to Freudian theory, dreams are a manifestation of our unconscious desires and fears. In this dream, the dead horses represent repressed emotions and instincts that have been suppressed and are now resurfacing. The horses, being powerful and majestic animals, symbolize our primal instincts and desires. The fact that they are dead suggests that these instincts have been suppressed and are no longer active in the dreamer’s waking life.

The sheer number of dead horses in the dream indicates a significant amount of repressed emotions and desires. The dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed by these emotions and is struggling to come to terms with them. The horses being black could also represent the shadow self, the darker and more primitive aspects of our personality that we often try to hide from others and ourselves.

The horses’ position, lying on their sides, could symbolize a loss of control or power. The dreamer may feel powerless in their waking life, unable to express their true desires and emotions. The fact that the horses are scattered throughout the field suggests that these repressed emotions and desires are present in various aspects of the dreamer’s life.

The mixing of the horses’ tail hair with the field grass could represent a blending of the dreamer’s conscious and unconscious mind. The sunken abdomens of some horses could symbolize a sense of emptiness or lack of fulfillment in the dreamer’s life.

The dreamer’s lack of fear towards the death and instead feeling an ache in their heart and an eerie feeling could suggest a sense of guilt or sadness over repressing these emotions and desires. The dreamer may also be experiencing a sense of longing for a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Overall, this dream suggests that the dreamer is struggling with repressed emotions and desires that are causing inner turmoil. It may be beneficial for the dreamer to explore these emotions and desires in therapy or through self-reflection to gain a better understanding of themselves and their needs.