I remember taking the elevator with some people I didn’t recognize but knew they were friends. The elevator took us up to what seemed to be a concert or an event. Suddenly people at the concert were attacking each other. It felt very apocalyptic. The next thing I remember is that I’m in the back seat of a car with people and it was nighttime. This girl (who I didn’t recognize to be anyone I knew) was in the passenger seat in front of me. She asked me if I wanted the gun with one bullet or the hatchet to defend myself. I don’t remember choosing but the next thing I remember is that I was back at the concert venue. This man looked at me and he seemed very normal and even offered a slight smile that made me feel like I could trust but shortly after that his eyes went black, snarled and he went to attack me. I swung at him with my hatchet. (I guess I chose the hatchet). There was no blood. As soon as I hit the man with the hatchet he vaporized away. I don’t remember much after that incident, but I know there was a solution to what was happening. I remember the sun came up and my boyfriend was suddenly there. I shortly woke up after, but I felt at ease because the dream ended positively but I also felt a little unsettled just because I remembered the man when his eyes turned black very vividly.

The Unconscious Battle: A Freudian Analysis of a Dream,
The dreamer’s unconscious mind is expressing deep-seated fears and anxieties through this dream. The elevator represents the dreamer’s journey through their own psyche, as they are surrounded by unfamiliar people who are actually their own repressed thoughts and emotions. The dreamer’s friends symbolize their conscious self, as they are present but not recognized. The elevator taking them to a concert or event symbolizes the dreamer’s desire for excitement and fulfillment in their waking life. However, the sudden attack and apocalyptic atmosphere represent the dreamer’s fear of losing control and being overwhelmed by their own emotions.

The back seat of the car represents the dreamer’s passive and submissive nature, as they are not in control of the situation. The girl in the passenger seat represents the dreamer’s anima, or feminine side, offering them a choice between a gun and a hatchet. The gun symbolizes the dreamer’s desire for power and control, while the hatchet represents their aggressive and violent tendencies. The dreamer’s inability to remember choosing between the two suggests a lack of awareness of their own inner conflicts.

The man with normal appearance and a friendly smile represents the dreamer’s ego, or conscious self, trying to reassure them and gain their trust. However, his transformation into a snarling and attacking figure with black eyes represents the dreamer’s fear of their own aggressive and destructive impulses. The hatchet symbolizes the dreamer’s attempt to defend themselves against these impulses, but the lack of blood and the man’s sudden disappearance suggest that the dreamer is not fully in touch with their own aggression and is unable to fully confront and resolve it.

The sun rising and the dreamer’s boyfriend appearing symbolize the dreamer’s desire for stability and support in their waking life. The dream ends positively, suggesting that the dreamer’s unconscious mind is offering a solution to their inner conflicts. However, the lingering feeling of unease suggests that the dreamer is still struggling to fully understand and integrate their unconscious desires and impulses. Overall, this dream reflects the dreamer’s inner battle between their conscious and unconscious selves, and their need to confront and reconcile their repressed emotions and desires in order to achieve inner peace and balance.