I feel i was possibly at my kids school office i dreamed a white woman with blonde hair passed by me on my left side she walked up to a table she wanted a map of the world that was rolled up on the table. Blonde woman asked the receptionist at the desk if she could have the map. Receptionist replied "no" . Blonde woman still took the map and walked away calm like no big deal. Receptionist picked up phone to call security ( but with no urgency). I told the receptionist i have the blonde woman address ( her appointment info) police to be sent to her home. I did feel an urgency. I remember seeing another world map on the wall where the rolled up map was & I was drawn to something that was on the map like a black mark or paint (I dont remember) i than woke up. I had a knowing the blonde woman was evil.

The Deception of the Blonde Woman: A Biblical Dream Interpretation,
In this dream, the dreamer finds themselves in a school office, possibly representing a place of learning or knowledge. The dreamer encounters a white woman with blonde hair, a symbol often associated with deceit and manipulation in the Bible. This woman approaches a table with a rolled-up map of the world, symbolizing a desire for power and control over the world. The receptionist, representing authority and order, denies the woman’s request for the map, but she takes it anyway, showing her disregard for authority and her willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. This woman’s actions are seen as evil and deceptive, as she calmly walks away without consequence.

The dreamer then sees another world map on the wall, which they are drawn to. This could symbolize the dreamer’s own desire for knowledge and understanding of the world. However, they notice a black mark or paint on the map, representing sin and corruption. This could suggest that the dreamer’s pursuit of knowledge may be tainted by the influence of the blonde woman, who represents the temptations and deceptions of the world.

The dreamer’s urgency to report the blonde woman to the police and their knowledge of her address could symbolize their desire to expose and confront evil in the world. This could also represent the dreamer’s own inner struggle with temptation and the need to seek help and guidance from a higher authority, represented by the police.

Overall, this dream serves as a warning against the deceit and temptations of the world, and the importance of seeking guidance and protection from God in the face of evil. It also highlights the need to be discerning and cautious in our pursuit of knowledge and understanding, as it can be tainted by the influence of sin and deception. As Proverbs 4:23 says, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. This dream serves as a reminder to guard our hearts and minds against the deceitful ways of the world, and to seek wisdom and guidance from God in all things.