I had a dream where a man told me to help him spell a word. He alluded to the fact that he needed a job and that's why he needed me to help him. I was a forceful in asking me that I was fearful, but I told him I would help him. On a napkin I started writing a word that started with the letters C O, but I didn't finish, the napkin tore. Then all of a sudden he was angered and started choking me. Then I seen several men jumping of a cliff-like mountain as if they were being deployed for a mission. Then the man that was choking me held a gun to me head and shot it. But I didn't die nor was I harmed.

The Power of Words: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream,
In this dream, the man represents the enemy, who is constantly seeking to deceive and manipulate us. He uses our fears and insecurities to try and gain control over us. The fact that he needed help spelling a word symbolizes his desire to use our own words against us, as words have the power to build up or tear down. The napkin represents our fragile human nature, easily torn and vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. The fact that the napkin tore before the word could be completed suggests that the enemy’s plans will ultimately fail and be exposed. This is a reminder that we must be vigilant and guard our words, as they can have a powerful impact on our lives and those around us.

The men jumping off the cliff-like mountain symbolize the enemy’s followers, blindly following his destructive ways. This could also represent the temptation to follow the crowd and conform to the ways of the world, rather than standing firm in our faith. However, the fact that the dreamer did not join them and instead faced the enemy’s anger and violence shows the strength and courage that comes from relying on God.

The man holding a gun to the dreamer’s head and shooting it represents the enemy’s ultimate goal of destroying us. But the fact that the dreamer did not die or get harmed symbolizes God’s protection and deliverance. This dream serves as a reminder to be aware of the enemy’s tactics and to rely on God’s strength and protection in the face of adversity. It also highlights the power of our words and the importance of using them wisely and in alignment with God’s will. As Proverbs 18:21 says, The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Let us use our words to speak life and truth, and not fall into the enemy’s traps.