I was invited to a church. Sitting with my friend Natalia worship began and all the woman got up go to altar & side aisles get on hands & feet as form of worship. I was so disturbed. The chair to my right it kept poking into my right thigh that eventually I get up. I go to the back of the church building not santuary and go to bathroom but i couldnt even go because the strong evil presence i shut the door. I than see a tiki bar and people getting drinks & smoking. I than hear tongues loud but felt evil. I look to my right side theres a door open i see a black tahoe truck trying to park backwards but couldnt park. Dream ends. Than days later I dream this again but it starts different. Im in a car with sisters of christ on way to church than i realize its the same church and im warning we are not to go to this church. We than are in a room getting ready for service and im warning them about things to happen. Im again in the back of church and everything repeats again. The evil bathroom, tiki bar, people getting drunk. I see the side door again open i see the black tahoe truck trying to park after a few attempts they can park. And i see my pastors coming out of this tahoe. I wake up this time

The Warning Dream: A Call to Discernment in Worship,
This dream is a warning from God about the dangers of false worship and the importance of discernment in the church. The dreamer is invited to a church, representing the body of Christ, but is disturbed by what they witness. The women, representing the church, are on their hands and feet in a form of worship that is not aligned with biblical principles. This is a warning that not all forms of worship are pleasing to God and we must be discerning in our worship practices. The chair poking into the dreamer’s thigh symbolizes the discomfort and unease they feel in this environment. This discomfort is a sign from God that something is not right.

The dreamer then goes to the back of the church, representing a place of isolation and separation from the rest of the body. This is a warning that false worship can lead to spiritual isolation and separation from God. The evil presence in the bathroom symbolizes the corrupting influence of false worship. The dreamer is unable to enter the bathroom, representing their inability to be cleansed and purified in this environment.

The tiki bar and people getting drunk and smoking represent the worldly influences and distractions that can infiltrate the church. The loud tongues and evil feeling represent the counterfeit gifts of the Holy Spirit that can deceive and lead people astray. The open door and black tahoe truck symbolize the entrance of false teachings and leaders into the church.

In the second part of the dream, the dreamer is with sisters of Christ, representing the importance of community and accountability in discernment. The dreamer is warning them about the dangers they will encounter in this church. The repetition of the same events symbolizes the persistence of these dangers and the need for constant vigilance.

The pastors coming out of the tahoe represent the leaders of the church being influenced by false teachings and practices. This is a warning that even those in positions of authority can be deceived and lead others astray.

Overall, this dream is a call to discernment in worship and a reminder to test everything against the truth of God’s Word. We must be vigilant and not be swayed by false teachings or practices, but instead seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and stay rooted in the truth of God’s Word.