In the beginning of the dream, I see my friend, jonathan and it's like we are at some school and he offered to cut my hair and style it. I agreed and we headed off To this room where he was gonna style my hair. I sat on a chair and I allowed him to cut my hair and I guess paint it as well. He seemed like what he was doing, so I figured it was gonna look good. After he's done doing my hair and assures me that it looks really good, We decided to go somewhere. As i'm getting up out of the chair, this black lady around her fifties shows up and sits on the chair, expecting to have her hair done. She did so very nonchalantly as she was fidgeting with her phone. And then jonathan, and I walked out of the room. I rubbed my arms around his arm and we Left talking. As we were walking off, I thought of that lady waiting there for him to come back to do her hair but I knew he wasn't coming back to do her hair. And I wrestled with myself about whether I should go back and tell her that he's not coming back and that we're leaving so that she doesn't have to wait there for a long time. But in the end I figure she would realize it on her own and leave. So he and I left and now we were on the outside and we decided to go into this one particular place. Which kind of looked like it could have been a convenient store, Or a classroom of some sort. As we walk inside, there were two people sitting close to the door and they were chatting and commenting on my hair and one of them laughed and said " Well, maybe she likes it because it looks professionally done, So I guess that's what she asked for". I was curious as to why they were talking about my hair in that way. And so I approached a mirror to look at my hair and when I saw my hair, I was nearly bald. My hair was super short and platinum blonde. But the back was a little long, almost like A Reverse mohak. I started laughing and I said to Jonathan " You need to even my hair out! You have to fix my hair or no one is going to find me attractive!" I said there's giggling, because I wasn't angry at all that he had made my hair look that way. In his mind it looked good but I didn't like it and so I told him to even it out. He agreed to go and fix it, but as we were headed to wherever, we were headed so that he could fix it, I woke up.

The Symbolism of Hair in Dreams: A Biblical Perspective,
In this dream, the dreamer sees their friend Jonathan offering to cut and style their hair. This can symbolize a desire for change or a need for guidance in making a decision. The dreamer agrees and allows Jonathan to cut and paint their hair, indicating a willingness to let go of control and trust in someone else’s abilities. The dreamer then sees a black lady waiting for Jonathan to do her hair, but he and the dreamer leave without telling her. This could represent a fear of disappointing others or a feeling of guilt for not fulfilling expectations.

As they enter a store or classroom, the dreamer’s hair is commented on and they see that it is nearly bald and platinum blonde. This could symbolize a loss of identity or a drastic change in appearance. The dreamer laughs and asks Jonathan to fix their hair, showing a desire to regain control and make things right.

In a biblical context, hair often symbolizes strength, power, and identity. In this dream, the dreamer’s hair being cut and styled by Jonathan could represent a surrendering of their own strength and identity to someone else. The black lady waiting for her hair to be done could symbolize the dreamer’s fear of disappointing others or not living up to expectations.

The store or classroom could represent a place of learning and growth, where the dreamer is being observed and judged by others. The comments on their hair could symbolize the opinions and judgments of others. The dreamer’s laughter and request for Jonathan to fix their hair could represent a desire to please others and maintain a certain image.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s inner struggles with control, identity, and the expectations of others. It serves as a reminder to trust in God’s plan and not to let the opinions of others dictate one’s actions and decisions.