I was standing at edge of ocean I see American Airline plane going nose dive down into the ocean. Every time I blinked the more the plane went into the water. I knew this plane was on the way to Mexico. The plane went down into ocean at 3:40pm. My daughter Alekza ( age 7) also had got on a plane but her plane took off at 3:25pm and so I thought it couldnt have been her plane because her plane had left 15 minutes ago and the ocean was right next to the airport. Her plane was also far away by now. Before my daughter Alekza boarded the plane I put on her gold bracelet inscribed with "believe" Next scene sister from church Gloria and her husband Martin house floaded because they left the faucet on

A Prophetic Dream of Destruction and Redemption,
The dream begins with the dreamer standing at the edge of the ocean, symbolizing the vastness and unpredictability of life. The American Airline plane represents the dreamer’s journey or path in life. The nose dive into the ocean symbolizes a sudden and catastrophic event that will greatly impact the dreamer’s life. The fact that the plane is going down at 3:40pm, a significant time in biblical numerology, suggests that this event is divinely ordained and has a spiritual significance. The dreamer’s daughter, Alekza, represents innocence and purity, and her plane taking off at 3:25pm symbolizes her journey in life being separate from the dreamer’s. The dreamer’s concern for her daughter’s safety and her act of putting on the gold bracelet with the word believe inscribed on it, symbolizes her faith and trust in God to protect her daughter. This is a reminder for the dreamer to hold onto her faith during difficult times. nnThe next scene of the dream shows the dreamer’s sister and her husband’s house being flooded due to a careless mistake of leaving the faucet on. This symbolizes the consequences of neglect and carelessness in one’s spiritual life. The dreamer’s sister and her husband represent the church, and their flooded house symbolizes the spiritual state of the church. This could be a warning for the dreamer to be vigilant and not neglect her spiritual life, as well as a call to pray for the spiritual well-being of her church community. nnOverall, this dream is a prophetic message from God, warning the dreamer of potential destruction and reminding her to hold onto her faith and be vigilant in her spiritual life. It also serves as a call to pray for the spiritual well-being of her church community. The dreamer should take this dream as a reminder to trust in God and seek His guidance and protection in all aspects of her life.