I dreamed a wasp was flying about and then it turned to me and flew down to me and landed by my neck. I couldn't see it but other people who were there, told me it is by my neck and was trying to sting me to take my blood. But it couldn't touch me. I woke up.

The Wasp and the Blood: A Biblical Dream Interpretation,
In the Bible, wasps are often associated with destruction and judgment. In this dream, the wasp represents a spiritual attack or temptation that is trying to harm the dreamer. The fact that it is flying about and then turns to the dreamer suggests that this attack may have been unexpected or sudden. The wasp landing by the dreamer’s neck symbolizes the enemy’s attempt to attack the mind and thoughts of the dreamer. The neck is a vulnerable area and is often used to represent the mind and thoughts in dreams.

The fact that the dreamer cannot see the wasp but others can suggests that the enemy may be using hidden tactics or deception to try and harm the dreamer. This could also represent the spiritual realm, as the dreamer may not be aware of the spiritual battle taking place.

The wasp trying to sting the dreamer to take their blood is a symbol of the enemy’s attempt to drain the dreamer of their spiritual strength and vitality. Blood is often associated with life and vitality in the Bible, and the enemy may be trying to weaken the dreamer’s spiritual life and connection with God.

However, the dreamer is unable to be touched or harmed by the wasp. This could be a sign of God’s protection and power over the enemy. The dreamer may have a strong faith and connection with God, which is preventing the enemy from harming them. It could also be a reminder for the dreamer to put on the armor of God and stand firm against spiritual attacks.

Overall, this dream serves as a warning for the dreamer to be aware of spiritual attacks and to stay strong in their faith. It is a reminder to put on the full armor of God and to stay connected to Him in order to overcome any attacks from the enemy.