In my purse I had a bottle of olive oil and it spilled in my inside my purse & my head. I dont know how it got on my hair on head. I saw in the mirror my hair soaked of oil

The Symbolism of Olive Oil in Dreams,
The dream of having a bottle of olive oil in your purse and it spilling inside, soaking your hair, carries significant symbolism in the Bible. Olive oil is often associated with anointing and consecration, representing the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. In this dream, the oil represents the anointing of God upon your life and the potential for it to overflow and impact those around you. The purse, a symbol of your personal belongings and resources, represents your heart and mind. The fact that the oil spilled inside your purse suggests that the anointing is not contained or limited by your own understanding or efforts, but rather it is a gift from God that cannot be contained.

The fact that the oil also spilled on your head, specifically your hair, is significant. In the Bible, hair often represents one’s thoughts and mindset. The fact that your hair was soaked in oil suggests that your thoughts and mindset are being saturated with the anointing of God. This could be a confirmation of your calling and purpose, as well as a reminder to stay focused on God and His will for your life.

The mirror in the dream represents self-reflection and introspection. Seeing your hair soaked in oil in the mirror is a reminder to constantly examine your thoughts and actions, making sure they align with God’s will and purpose for your life. It is also a reminder to stay humble and give all glory to God for the anointing upon your life.

Overall, this dream is a reminder of the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit in your life. It is a call to stay connected to God and allow His anointing to flow through you, impacting those around you. It is also a reminder to stay humble and constantly examine your thoughts and actions, making sure they align with God’s will. Embrace the anointing and allow it to guide and empower you in all areas of your life.