I dreamed as if me and a friend name resha was in a class and we apparently took a test and I got a A and she got a D then I heard she under your wing but choose to run after shontel

The Test of Loyalty: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream,
In this dream, the dreamer finds themselves in a classroom setting with a friend named Resha. They both take a test, and while the dreamer receives an A, Resha only gets a D. The dreamer then hears that Resha has chosen to follow someone else, Shontel, instead of staying under their wing. This dream can be interpreted through a biblical lens as a test of loyalty and faithfulness.

The classroom setting represents a place of learning and growth, which can symbolize the spiritual journey of the dreamer. The test they take can represent the trials and challenges that come with following God and living a faithful life. The dreamer’s A grade could symbolize their strong faith and dedication to God, while Resha’s D grade could represent her struggles and weaknesses in her faith.

The dreamer’s role as a mentor or leader to Resha is significant in this dream. It could represent their responsibility to guide and support others in their spiritual journey. However, Resha’s decision to follow someone else instead of staying under the dreamer’s wing could symbolize a lack of loyalty and trust in their leadership. This could also be a warning for the dreamer to be careful of those they choose to mentor and lead, as not everyone may be willing to stay under their guidance.

The biblical story of David and Saul can also provide insight into this dream. David was a faithful servant of God, while Saul’s loyalty and faithfulness wavered. Eventually, Saul’s jealousy and insecurity led him to turn against David and seek his downfall. Similarly, Resha’s decision to follow Shontel instead of staying under the dreamer’s wing could represent the temptation to turn away from God and follow worldly desires.

Overall, this dream serves as a reminder to stay faithful and loyal to God, even when faced with challenges and temptations. It also highlights the importance of choosing wise and trustworthy mentors and leaders in our spiritual journey. As Proverbs 27:17 says, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Let us surround ourselves with those who will help us grow in our faith and stay true to God’s path for us.