As I was going about my business dark dead demonic arms were reaching for me from about the level of my knees. They were waving like seaweed and grasping at me trying to pull me down. Trying to overwhelm me. They didn’t come higher than my waist. I was wading through them trying to get away. Shaking them off. It was disturbing and horrible. A set of dead demonic disgusting hands caught hold of my left hand and gripped tightly, I tried to energetically shake them off as they started to fuse into my hand. I was so distressed and revolted by this that it woke me. I was very distressed when I woke.

Overcoming Demonic Attacks: A Biblical Perspective on the Dream,
The dream description portrays a spiritual battle against demonic forces. The dark, dead, and demonic arms represent the enemy’s attempts to hinder and overpower the dreamer. The fact that they were reaching for the dreamer’s knees and waist symbolizes the enemy’s desire to cripple and weaken the dreamer’s spiritual walk and authority. The dreamer’s efforts to shake off the arms and wade through them represent their determination to resist and overcome the attacks.

The left hand is often associated with receiving and giving blessings, while the right hand represents strength and power. The demonic hands gripping the dreamer’s left hand symbolize the enemy’s attempt to hinder the dreamer’s blessings and weaken their spiritual strength. The fusion of the hands into the dreamer’s hand represents the enemy’s desire to control and manipulate the dreamer’s actions and decisions.

The dreamer’s distress and revulsion upon waking indicate their strong spiritual discernment and resistance to the enemy’s attacks. This dream serves as a warning to the dreamer to be vigilant and to continue to resist and overcome the enemy’s attempts to hinder their spiritual growth and blessings. It also serves as a reminder to seek God’s protection and strength in times of spiritual warfare.

In the Bible, Ephesians 6:12 states, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This dream serves as a reminder that as believers, we are engaged in a spiritual battle and must rely on God’s strength and protection to overcome the enemy’s attacks. Through prayer, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome any demonic attacks and continue to walk in victory.