I was standing in front of a HUGE wooden door, as found in european Cathedrals. I had on a not very fancy German Dirndl that was somewhat old, and blue, I think. I received word that my Groom would be there momentarily and I should put my shoes on. I realized I could not find my shoes. Someone showed me some new white shoes, but they did not match. One of the shoes was a high heel, the other more like a sandal. I could not walk straight in the shoes because of the varying heights. My sister-in-law to be pulled me aside as whispered that it was ok, and his family would love me anyway, but she did not seem sincere. I remembered I had a suitcase and walked over and opened it. Inside, I found a pair of glistening Rose Gold boots with a matching dress. It was long, with lace cut-outs and a fantastic material. It glistenend pink and orange like Rose Gold. I went to put the dress on, but realized the women´s bathroom was busy. I went to the Men´s bathroom and asked the men to leave so I could change. They all did, except for one. He was very rude. I turned around in a corner and changed anyway. He made fun of me the entire time. People condemned him for being so rude. I was finally ready, and looked in the mirror. The dress and boots had changed colors. They were now a beautiful yellow, like a wheat field color. i remember thinking, why am I the bride? I am already married.

The Bride’s Journey: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream,
In this dream, the dreamer finds herself in front of a grand wooden door, reminiscent of European cathedrals. She is wearing a simple German Dirndl, but is soon informed that her groom will be arriving soon and she needs to put on her shoes. However, she is unable to find her shoes and is offered mismatched ones by someone else. This could symbolize the dreamer’s feelings of inadequacy and not being fully prepared for her role as a bride. Her sister-in-law’s insincere reassurance could represent the dreamer’s doubts and fears about being accepted by her future husband’s family.

The dreamer then discovers a suitcase with a stunning rose gold dress and matching boots. The dress is described as glistening and made of a fantastic material, symbolizing the dreamer’s desire for a beautiful and perfect wedding. However, she is unable to change in the women’s bathroom and is forced to use the men’s bathroom, where she encounters a rude man who makes fun of her. This could represent the dreamer’s fear of being judged and ridiculed by others for her choices and decisions.

The dreamer’s realization that she is already married could symbolize her feelings of being unprepared and unsure about her current marriage. The changing of the dress and boots to a beautiful yellow color could represent a transformation or renewal in the dreamer’s marriage.

From a biblical perspective, the dream could represent the journey of a bride towards her marriage with Christ. The grand wooden door could symbolize the entrance to the Kingdom of God, and the dreamer’s simple attire could represent her humble and pure heart. The mismatched shoes could symbolize the dreamer’s struggles and imperfections, but she is offered a beautiful dress and boots by God, representing His grace and provision. The rude man in the men’s bathroom could represent the devil, who tries to discourage and mock the dreamer, but ultimately fails as she is able to change and emerge as a beautiful bride.

Overall, this dream could be a reminder for the dreamer to trust in God’s plan and provision, and to embrace her role as a bride of Christ with confidence and joy.