A Chaotic Christmas Dream

A Chaotic Christmas Dream
It was Christmas time with decor all around, my wife’s mom was at the house and the kids were running around inside some, neighbors were in and out and around. Someone came to the door and was telling us there was something outside and my wife ran out to give it her attention, and I was close behind to help. It was slick and she was standing on what looked like a small metal roof and slipped and I grabbed her. She was giggly and jumped on me being sweet and affectionately kissing and making love. I was pleasantly surprised and then her mom opened the door to call us in as there was a bunch of bar tables set up in our kitchen that I guess we were taking to some event. We hopped in the car, my wife was driving and then like a switch hit her she started crashing into cars, speeding and turning hard into a parking lot slamming into police cars, the kids and I were screaming what are you doing and she just kept going spinning out and finally slamming into a group of cop cars at a police station. The police took my wife into custody and she was smiling. I was sad and confused and didn’t know what I was going to do. Fast forward I was in a church doing praise and worship and just started crying and laid on the floor. I wasn’t making a show I just wanted to be invisible. A woman comes and puts her hand on me and says come with me I said no thanks and she persisted. As I said no really I’m ok, she yelled out we’re gonna have to do this Egypt style and then some men came and grabbed me walking me down some stairs into a basement along with dozens of children. I noticed there was human child waste on the ground I was stepping on and then they were pushing me and these kids into a small low lit place. After that it went dark my breathing got heavy listening to the cries and then I woke up.

This dream may symbolize feelings of chaos and confusion in your waking life. The Christmas setting represents a time of celebration and togetherness, but it quickly turns into a chaotic and unpredictable situation. The presence of your wife’s mother may suggest feelings of pressure or judgment from a maternal figure. The children running around may symbolize a lack of control or responsibility. The neighbor’s presence could represent outside influences or distractions. The small metal roof and slippery surface may symbolize a precarious situation or feeling out of control. Your wife’s actions of being sweet and affectionate may represent a desire for love and intimacy in the midst of chaos. The sudden switch in her behavior and the car crash could symbolize a sudden change or loss of control in your waking life. The police taking her into custody may represent feelings of guilt or consequences for your actions. The church and praise and worship may symbolize a need for spiritual guidance and comfort. The woman’s persistence and reference to Egypt may symbolize a need to confront and overcome difficult emotions or situations. The basement and children may represent repressed emotions or feelings of being trapped. The human waste may symbolize feelings of disgust or shame. Overall, this dream may suggest a need to confront and address chaotic and overwhelming emotions or situations in your waking life.