A Confrontation on a Bench in Birmingham

A Confrontation on a Bench in Birmingham
i was sitting onna bench in birmingham with a blanket over me at 4pm when a lady followed by about 8-10 school kids came over, she told me that i need to leave in the most polite way possible, somehow i ended up walking with this group and i got talking with this ginger kid a couple years above me, i said to him "is that a compass?" and he told me it was a compass eagerly, at this point i i wanted to fight him but i knew i couldn't while he was holding it, so af first i grabbed hold of a pen and attempted to fight him but it just ended up not working, after a few minutes of trying to start a fight he dropped the pointy part of a his compass so it could no longer be used as a weapon, i jumped on his back and tried to strangle him, i was winning, at that point he'd managed to pick up his compass, i realised and picked up my pen aswell while still on his back, i said to him "im not gonna fight you with a weapon just lets both put them down and fight" so he reluctantly put his compass down and i beat him.

This dream may symbolize a conflict or struggle in your waking life. The bench represents a place of rest and relaxation, but the presence of the blanket suggests a need for comfort and protection. The lady and school children could represent authority figures or a group of people who are trying to control or limit you in some way. The ginger kid may represent a part of yourself that you are trying to suppress or ignore. The compass could symbolize direction or guidance, and your desire to fight the ginger kid may indicate a desire to assert yourself and take control of your own path. However, your attempts to fight with a pen and then strangle him suggest that you may feel powerless or unable to effectively confront this aspect of yourself. The resolution of the conflict, with both of you putting down your weapons and fighting on equal terms, may suggest a need for compromise and finding a peaceful resolution to conflicts in your waking life.