A Dark Church and Snow: A Biblical Dream Interpretation

A Dark Church and Snow: A Biblical Dream Interpretation
All of a sudden I appeared sitting on the last pew against the wall in a church, it felt like I fell out of the air & was plopped on the pew ( bible story came to mind Phillip/Ethopian man - Acts 8). The church was dark, but it was the darkest at the pulpit but as you got closer to the back of the santurary there was a bit more light but still dark. Because it was so dark I couldnt see who was on the pulpit I only saw figures of people. I could see some of the congregation but only from their side & backs. I didnt know where I was. There was one man that kinda looked like bro. Jesse , but I didnt see his face just his side. This church kinda had the same layout as my church except ALOT smaller ( I had knowing there wasnt a second level) From what I could see there were alot less people. As I was sitting I remember looking to my right & felt most people were older, one lady was nodding her head as in agreement but I felt she wasnt really engaged though with whatever the preacher was saying. I dont remember what they were preaching nor do I recall hearing any worship. I feel I had arrived already when service was ending. When I got up to leave I felt intoxicated & like disorientated but not like alcohol drunk. I was trying to walk out of this church but felt like wobbly in my legs trying to walk out. Next scene I remember is when I go outside it was full of snow (I was surprised to see snow and it was alot) & it waa dark outside.

This dream may symbolize a spiritual journey or struggle. The church represents a place of worship and connection with God, but the darkness and lack of engagement from the congregation suggest a lack of spiritual light and growth. The small size of the church and the presence of fewer people may indicate a feeling of isolation or disconnection from the larger Christian community. The mention of Bro. Jesse, a figure from the dreamer’s personal life, could represent a desire for guidance or mentorship in their spiritual journey. The snow outside could symbolize a spiritual cleansing or renewal, as snow often represents purity and new beginnings in the Bible. The dreamer’s disorientation and wobbly legs upon leaving the church could suggest a struggle with staying on the right path or maintaining a strong spiritual foundation. Overall, this dream may be a reminder to the dreamer to seek out a deeper connection with God and to find a supportive community to help them on their journey.