A Day of Loss and Support

A Day of Loss and Support
It was a nice day out and so I had the windows open. I was at home the whole day but somehow a group of people broke in and stole all of my essential appliances and my work computer. I was really upset and my aunt Suzy was with me when it happened and then my uncle came by and then my sister and parents. Until most of my family was there. And also a big Saint Bernard dog came through the window and wouldn’t leave my side until the vet place across the street came by looking for it. My mom asked if I was okay and I said “no they took a lot of stuff” and then she set about making food.

The dream begins with a peaceful setting, as the dreamer enjoys a nice day with open windows. However, this sense of tranquility is quickly shattered as a group of people break into the dreamer’s home and steal their essential appliances and work computer. This event causes the dreamer to feel upset and vulnerable, as they are surrounded by their family members who offer support and comfort. The presence of the big Saint Bernard dog symbolizes protection and loyalty, as it refuses to leave the dreamer’s side until the vet comes to retrieve it. This could represent the dreamer’s need for protection and support during a time of loss and vulnerability. The dreamer’s mother’s actions of making food could symbolize her desire to provide comfort and nourishment during a difficult time. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s fear of losing important possessions and the need for support and comfort from loved ones during challenging times.