A Desperate Cry for Help: The Symbolism of the Dream

A Desperate Cry for Help: The Symbolism of the Dream
I built a new manson for my father. I was taking my first shower in his new house. The shower was tall and mondern when all of a sudden I couldn't get my breath. So, I ran out of the shower down the hall, reaching out with my arms, trying to grab the air to breathe. I went to my dad's bedroom door. I first started to knock, but I couldn't hear my own knock. I then started to pound 9n the door, but I couldn't hear that either. I decided out of desperation to break the tall door down and find my dad sleeping unbothered by the noise of the break-in. I then tried to wake him up, but he would just roll over. This made me tear off his covers to wake him up, but he wouldn't. I could hear myself struggling to get my breath so fearful! I woke up snoring and out of breath!

The dreamer’s subconscious is expressing feelings of helplessness and desperation in their relationship with their father. Building a new mansion for their father represents a desire to please and impress him, but the dreamer’s inability to breathe in the modern shower symbolizes a suffocating feeling in this dynamic. The tall door and inability to hear their own knocking or pounding represents a lack of communication and understanding between the dreamer and their father. The dreamer’s attempts to wake their father and the lack of response symbolize a deep-seated fear of being ignored or rejected by their father. The snoring and struggle to breathe upon waking up suggests repressed emotions and a need to address these issues in the waking life. This dream serves as a reminder for the dreamer to confront their feelings and communicate openly with their father in order to improve their relationship and find inner peace.