A Disappointing Vacation Surprise

A Disappointing Vacation Surprise
ich fahre zu dem haus meiner freundin, stehe dann vor ihrerhaustür und ihre eltern machen mir die tür auf und nicht sie. ich frag dann wo meine freundin ist, dann meinte ihre mutter dass sie im urlaub sei😭 ich fahre enttäuscht wieder nach hause. als ich angekommen bin schaue ich in meinem Briefkasten nach und sehe eine urlaubskarte (brief) von meiner freundin. den hab ich mir dann durchgelesen und vor freude geweint.

The dreamer is visiting their friend’s house, but instead of being greeted by their friend, they are welcomed by her parents. When they ask about their friend’s whereabouts, they are told that she is on vacation. Feeling disappointed, the dreamer returns home. However, upon checking their mailbox, they find a vacation postcard from their friend. This brings them great joy and they cry tears of happiness.

This dream may symbolize the dreamer’s feelings of being left out or forgotten by their friend. The fact that the friend’s parents open the door instead of the friend herself could represent a sense of distance or disconnect in their relationship. The dreamer’s disappointment and subsequent joy upon receiving the postcard may reflect their conflicting emotions about their friend’s absence. It could also suggest that the dreamer values their friendship and is happy to receive any form of communication from their friend, even if it is just a postcard. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s desire for a closer and more meaningful connection with their friend.