A Discordant Dream: Interpreting the Symbolism of Communication and Self-Reflection

A Discordant Dream: Interpreting the Symbolism of Communication and Self-Reflection
i had a dream that Cam finally decided to talk to me, as i've requested, but notably it was primarily over discord. every time i would get to saying something, i would trail off and couldn't get to the point. i just stopped and left to do something very often because i was walking around a fake version of USC's campus that seemed to be the desert. cam tolerated this. she told me that her and tee had decided to hang out which is impossible. i then told her there were no guys of significant social status that would make them hanging out as interesting or groundbreaking as the two of them doing it. which doesn't make sense because of those two having no irl connections. cam asked me why i even think like that and i defended myself. at some point walking i ran into an old friend i saw on IG recently (Jaylon). i was running to class, and this area looked just like irmo cafeteria, i told him i was basically trying to go somewhere but it was hard to figure out, and he asked me did i have any brain damage from football like him. i reconnected w cam in discord again and she became slowly more intolerant of this over time. i was otp w her when i decided to sit on a sidewalk or the concrete floor. but the floor seemed to have a long outreach and get really skinny. eventually the side of this outdoor hallway, where each side is closed off but one side, with a floor and a roof but the right and left are open, eventually the other side disappears and that floor got skinner and also turned more round, so it was like sitting on curb or the edge of a bridge. (i weirdly thought of this on blossom nights before). Below this area was a canyon or a sharp decline, like the Gorge in Colorado, but way steeper ; tens of thousands of feet. as i inched slowly and slowly across that floor that seemed to be turning into a tightrope, i was still sitting on it: but it occurred to me i might lose my phone if i fell. i wasn't thinking about being otp when cam anymore. i thought about how i'd need a new phone when i fall. i didn't think about dying when i fell. i think i fell but survived. when i came back to life i was in another part of fake campus and walked into a white room. it was a campus dorm for my friends. it was small like their freshman year dorm with just two bunk beds. they live in a suite now. i told them this room isn't so small when u only got two people living here. they agreed. it was andy and hari and jake in there i know, maybe van. that make sense, they're the people who live in the new suite and lived together last year in two separate rooms. they didn't say anything super sentient. somehow i don't think i had a phone yet. i never got one. later on i ended up in a room that had another white wall. but it was covered in paper paintings , mainly red blue and yellow, one of einstein. it was weird, but somehow i ended up on the phone with cam. it seemed weird, like i knew it was a dream, and at the same time, i rolled over in bed, but i started to talk to her again. i was saying something to cam on that discord call as i literally woke up and i was incredibly disappointed, even complaining in my gc it was a dream.

This dream may reflect the dreamer’s desire for communication and connection with someone they admire, represented by Cam. The dreamer’s struggle to articulate their thoughts and feelings may suggest a fear of not being able to express themselves effectively or a lack of confidence in their own voice. The desert setting of the fake USC campus could symbolize a feeling of isolation or being lost in their own thoughts. The dreamer’s encounter with an old friend and the mention of brain damage from football may represent a fear of losing touch with their past or a reminder of past struggles. The shrinking and precarious nature of the sidewalk and outdoor hallway may symbolize the dreamer’s fear of losing control or stability in their life. The white dorm room with only two bunk beds may represent a sense of simplicity and intimacy in relationships, contrasting with the dreamer’s earlier thoughts about social status and connections. Overall, this dream may suggest a need for self-reflection and finding balance between communication and self-expression.