A Divine Offer: The Symbolism of Choosing Between Heaven and Earth in a Dream

A Divine Offer: The Symbolism of Choosing Between Heaven and Earth in a Dream
The night before my birthday i had a really odd dream. In my dream I was awoken by people i had never seen before, they were girls, angels from heaven. Once I woke up I started to float, next thing I knew I was in the universe floating and breathing without any struggle. When I looked to my side I saw Allah. We talked for a bit and he showed me around earth and the things he created. We started talking more and he gave me an offer, he told me I could come with him to heaven and he would give me the finest of luxuries and that he would give me the highest job possible, he would make me his closest assistant/advisor i’d be like a god with him. When he finished explaining his offer he pulled up something like a memory bubble and he showed me my family, he told me to choose to be with him or go back down to my family. I let go of his hand and chose my family and then the next thing i knew i woke up from my sleep and i felt so refreshed as if I had died and come back alive.

This dream may symbolize a struggle between the desire for material wealth and the importance of family and spiritual fulfillment. The angels and Allah represent the divine and the offer of the finest luxuries and a high position may represent the temptation of worldly pleasures. However, the dreamer ultimately chooses their family and wakes up feeling refreshed, suggesting that they value their loved ones and spiritual well-being over material gain. The memory bubble may represent the dreamer’s memories and emotions, reminding them of the importance of their family and the love they share. This dream may also reflect the dreamer’s inner conflict between their desires and their values, and the need to make a choice between the two. It could be a reminder to prioritize what truly matters in life and not be swayed by temporary temptations. Overall, this dream may serve as a reminder to stay true to one’s values and not be swayed by external influences.