A Dream of a Drawing Contest with Unexpected Results

A Dream of a Drawing Contest with Unexpected Results
I dreamt about I'm participating A Drawing contest, in this dream My anty told me to psrticipate in the contest, here im with 4 people, one boy and three girls, the one boy is I known in my real life, (he's a senior highschool student and He's good at chess and a wise person), and the three girls , One is My Anty, and the Other I saw And remembered Her face But the third one saw Her face. Now in this situation I'm Drawing with my allies (the One Boy and The third girl that i see her face), The one boy and me Drawing the same thing (It's a Realistic Protactor), and the allied girl Drawing Strange thing But it's Beautiful but i Didn't remeber it, and the other girl that i see her face i didnd't see her work and bellitelling us she said were not going to won but we ignored it, while were in progression of drawing i accidentally spilled an ink into the third girl's work, i immediatelly apologize to her cuase the ink wont vanished so i tryna find something that will going to erase the stain that i made to her art but she said it's ok but i owe her, then i go outside and i saw my Anty and she showed me her work at first I thought it was beautiful but it turns out it's Ugly as Hell and i just sugar coat my words and tell that her works is really beautiful, then the competion start now and The first girl won the First Place And the trophy is Kinda strange too it's A Red Jade with a strange design, on the second place the other girl won a second place and me And the one boy Won the third place, then after announcing all the winners the girls that won the first place give some speech and after that we take a gruop picture of all the winners, I'm kinda upset of the result cuase that arrogant girl won but she deserves it cuase her art is beautiful too and I'm happy to cuase Me and My allied won too.

This dream may symbolize your desire for recognition and success in your creative pursuits. The drawing contest represents a challenge or competition in your waking life, and your aunt’s encouragement to participate may suggest that you have a supportive figure in your life who believes in your talents. The four people in the dream, including the one boy you know in real life, may represent different aspects of yourself or different influences in your life. The fact that the boy is good at chess and wise may symbolize your own intelligence and strategic thinking. The three girls may represent different qualities or traits, with your aunt representing guidance and familiarity, the second girl representing a familiar but forgotten aspect of yourself, and the third girl representing a new and unfamiliar influence. The fact that you and the boy are drawing the same thing may suggest a shared goal or similar approach to the challenge, while the allied girl’s strange but beautiful drawing may symbolize a unique and unexpected perspective. The ink spill on her work may represent a mistake or obstacle in your creative process, but your immediate apology and attempt to fix it shows your sense of responsibility and desire to make things right. Your aunt’s ugly artwork may symbolize your fear of failure or disappointment, but your attempt to sugar coat your words may suggest a tendency to avoid confrontation or difficult emotions. The results of the contest may reflect your feelings of disappointment or frustration with the outcome, but also a sense of acceptance and pride in your own and your allies’ achievements. Overall, this dream may represent your inner conflicts and desires related to your creative pursuits, and the need to balance different influences and perspectives in order to achieve success.