A Dream of Athletic Competition and Self-Reflection

A Dream of Athletic Competition and Self-Reflection
i ran track and cross country in high school, and was very familiar with my competition with other schools. It was the league championship, and I was running the 800, the 800 wasn’t my speciality but I do wish I ran it more. I was running against 7-9 guys, i can not remember exactly how many, two of them were notable competition. One was a year younger and the other was two years younger, both eventually ran division 1 in college. The track was not a normal 200 or 400 meter track, it was longer than that, maybe 250 or 300 meters. It was outdoors. There was a digital scoreboard by the starting line on the main curve of the track that displayed all our names. we lined up to start on a straight away, which looking back, is not normal for a normal 800, which normallly starts on a curve no matter what track it is. The starter shoots the gun to start the race and immediately I jump out into the lead. I went out fast and then toned it down because I was worried i went out too fast, I got passed by a dude in a red jersey (one of the rival high schools) and he opened up a solid lead. I had my running watch on which I meant to use for the race but wasn’t able to because I didn’t close out of a run on the previous day. I tried to do it mid race, where the distance showed 7.67 miles on my watch, I decided not to change it mid race because I was trying to win. After the first lap (it was 4 laps so i guess a 200m track) I hawked him down and passed him to take the lead. I passed the first first lap in 34 seconds. I was heaving hard and my breathing was labored but I held on and won the race. I finish the race and go down to the side of the track on the grass to take off my shoes. All the racers gathered around me and congradulated me, they noticed my watch and were surprised that I tried to work it during the race. I had no idea what my time was and was eager to find out. I found my parents and sister, and gave them a hug. I asked my sister what my time was and she said 2 minutes and 23 seconds. I was disappointed because I thought I ran much faster than that. My time was actually slower than all the other winners of the freshman and jv races that day, and we were varsity. It was also much slower than my personal record of 2:09. Then we watched the 3000 meter race, which was dominated by 4 black guys in yellow jerseys (there was no school with yellow jerseys in my league). They ran under 9 minutes, which is really fast. Then my dream ended

This dream may symbolize your desire for recognition and success in your personal and professional life. Running track and cross country in high school represents your drive and determination to achieve your goals. The league championship represents a major milestone or achievement that you are striving for. The 800 meter race, while not your specialty, symbolizes your willingness to take on new challenges and push yourself out of your comfort zone. The competition with other schools may represent your desire to outperform your peers and stand out from the crowd. The longer track and digital scoreboard may symbolize the pressure and expectations you feel from others to succeed. Your attempt to change your running watch mid-race may represent your desire to control and improve your performance. The victory and congratulations from your peers may symbolize your need for validation and recognition from others. However, the disappointment in your time and comparison to others may suggest feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. The dominance of the black runners in the 3000 meter race may symbolize your fear of being overshadowed or outperformed by others. Overall, this dream may reflect your inner drive and ambition, as well as your insecurities and desire for validation.