A Dream of Awkward Encounters and Pranks

A Dream of Awkward Encounters and Pranks
So like I saw my crush and we awkwardly said hi and he held out his hand and I shook it (like the first time we met because nowadays we don’t shake hands since he’s my coworker in real life and he doesn’t greet me much anymore) then he kind of smiled at me and went to his room, then I sat on his couch and heard him say “hey you know there’s a rat in your room” and I started to scream and went to my room to check, he came out and laughed and I kept screaming at him to get rid of the rat even though I couldn’t see any rat. Eventually my crush burst out laughing and told me it’s a prank

This dream may reflect feelings of awkwardness and discomfort in your waking life. Seeing your crush and awkwardly greeting them may symbolize your desire for a closer relationship with them, but feeling unsure of how to approach it. The handshake may represent a desire for a more formal or professional connection with your crush, as they are your coworker in real life. The mention of a rat in your room may symbolize hidden fears or anxieties that you are not addressing. Your crush’s prank may represent a need for more lightheartedness and humor in your life. It could also suggest that you may be taking things too seriously and need to let go of your worries. Overall, this dream may be a reminder to not take yourself or your relationships too seriously and to find joy and laughter in unexpected situations.