A Dream of Betrayal and Struggle

A Dream of Betrayal and Struggle
So I was in like a hotel room and are gone on vacation with a group of people and they had a different hotel room but in my room was a old childhood friend's mom and she was like trying to kill me or keep me back or something it was really weird I remember she had like a stick American flag and she kept trying to come at me with it and I was trying to figure out how it's going to get out of this room I finally got out and I keep trying to call my friend Ashley I call my mom and I finally get into a room of like safety and then later we have to go to trial and everybody's against me including my friend Ashley that to this day we don't talk anymore

This dream may symbolize feelings of betrayal and struggle in your waking life. The hotel room represents a temporary escape from reality, but the presence of a childhood friend’s mother suggests unresolved issues from your past. Her attempts to harm you with an American flag may represent a sense of patriotism or nationalism that is causing conflict in your life. Your attempts to call your friend and mother for help may indicate a desire for support and guidance, but ultimately you must face your challenges alone. The trial symbolizes a judgment or evaluation of your actions, and the fact that everyone is against you, including your friend, may suggest feelings of isolation and mistrust. The dream may be urging you to confront and resolve any conflicts or betrayals in your relationships, and to find inner strength and resilience in the face of adversity.