A Dream of Changing Scenes and Hidden Fears

A Dream of Changing Scenes and Hidden Fears
I had one dream in different forms Frist I was with some girl gang where they describe of different nature love and again it changes into a room where I'm ironing the sare but the iron box get over heated that I can't even hold it properly on other hand I'm cooking something on stove beside and they are some candles where it fire on cloth and come off it but still it's fire again and again and I wipe off them then again scene get changed where I was cleaning the balkani and I see die rat and some rotten egg shell half broken and suddenly one egg broken something black colour living creature came out and jumped away and I see again some living rats coming towards me and I closed the door but suddenly one big rat comes near my leg and again the scene change where I'm cooking with my family members while cooking i add salt to the curry and I see that the salt is filled with insects and when I have tasted it was normal and again the scene change where I'm with my family members suddenly got into a fight and started crying loudly and arguing then hitting myself to the mirror but I don't see my reflection in that

This dream may represent your inner conflicts and fears that are manifesting in different forms. The girl gang could symbolize different aspects of your personality, each with their own unique nature and desires. The ironing and cooking scenes may represent your domestic responsibilities and the pressure to maintain a perfect image. The overheated iron and fire on the cloth could symbolize the intensity of these responsibilities and the fear of failure. The rats and rotten egg could represent hidden fears and anxieties that are coming to the surface. The black creature jumping out of the egg could symbolize a repressed aspect of yourself that you are afraid to confront. The fight with your family and hitting yourself in the mirror could represent your inner turmoil and self-destructive tendencies. This dream may be urging you to confront and address these hidden fears and conflicts in order to find inner peace and harmony.