A Dream of Cleaning a Dirty Toilet

A Dream of Cleaning a Dirty Toilet
I saw a friend preaching loudly but afterwards he went to use the toilet, and I went to use the toilet too after he had used it. However, I found it a bit dirty with little leftover poo from my friend using the toilet. I I was going to call that my friend back to clean the toilet but I decided to help him clean it myself for him, which I did. and it became white again except for the black stain in the sink which I tried cleaning off many times but I could not do it, so I left it .

This dream may symbolize your desire to help others, even in unpleasant situations. Seeing your friend preaching loudly may represent your admiration for their confidence and assertiveness. However, the fact that they went to use the toilet afterwards may suggest that they have a vulnerable side that they don’t always show. When you also went to use the toilet, it could mean that you are willing to follow your friend’s example and be open about your own vulnerabilities. The dirty toilet with leftover poo may represent a situation or relationship that is not as clean or perfect as it seems. Your desire to call your friend back to clean the toilet may indicate your wish for them to take responsibility for their actions. However, your decision to help them clean it yourself may symbolize your willingness to support and forgive them. The white toilet may represent a fresh start, but the black stain in the sink may suggest that some issues or feelings may still linger. Your inability to clean it off may indicate that some things are beyond your control and you may need to accept them as they are.