A Dream of Cleaning and Serving Others

A Dream of Cleaning and Serving Others
I dreamt we were at our house but not the one we live in and there were lots of people and at a table was Marta Alicia, I saw Elsa, Susan and more people. Then I saw Marta under the table cleaning there was lots of dust, I especially remember her on her hands and knees under the table with like a big tablecloth or something trying to bring all the dust bunnies and stuff to the front and she was like trying to clean it and I told her get out of there and I saw a broom on the floor and was going to sweep and then I saw Susan and I said will you sweep I have to clean and she said yes and I gave her the broom.

This dream may symbolize the importance of humility and service in the Christian faith. The house in the dream represents the spiritual home, and the people gathered there represent the community of believers. Marta Alicia, Elsa, and Susan may symbolize different aspects of the dreamer’s own personality or different members of the Christian community. Marta’s act of cleaning under the table may represent the act of humbling oneself and serving others, even in the most menial tasks. This is reminiscent of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples as a symbol of humility and service. The dust and dirt under the table may symbolize the sins and impurities that can accumulate in our lives, and Marta’s efforts to clean them may represent the need for constant repentance and purification. The dreamer’s desire to sweep and clean may symbolize their own desire to serve and help others, but it is Susan who takes on this task, representing the importance of working together and supporting one another in the Christian community. This dream may serve as a reminder to the dreamer to always remain humble and willing to serve others, and to find strength and support in the community of believers.