A Dream of Conflict and Change

A Dream of Conflict and Change
dreamed I was at home with my dad. It was raining the whole day. As I sat and watched from the window balcony, I saw money falling from the sky. I thought to myself that I needed to get it before it got wet. Later, I told my dad and asked if I could go get it. He said yes. After that, I went to get the money; it was African currency. Then, I found myself in school with my dad, a new school that I had never seen before. As we entered the building, we went to a church service, and to my surprise, Kevin was also there. He was wearing yellow and white shoes. Every time he got up, his eyes were on me, and I would look at him too, then run away. Later, it was time to go up, and we asked one of the people in the school to help us find the way. Then, I found the way to class. We climbed up the stairs until we arrived at my brand new class, I guess. I saw that those classes were filled with all the people I saw at Sonia Sotomayor Middle School, my school, and all were saying hi to Esther or Georgina. After that, my dad came and saw a boy named Matthew who had a pile of sixth graders' clothes and eighth graders'. He asked, "Aren't you supposed to wear a uniform?" Matthew said no. Then my dad decided to speak with someone ASAP. He saw Aja Ramsey and asked her, a bit aggressively, why the kids were not wearing uniforms. She did not reply until it escalated into a huge fight with my dad and Ramsey, until he even slapped her hard. She went downstairs to report it. There was one student who was trying to protect her from my dad. And since my dad could not fight a girl, I decided to step in. I was so angry that I started screaming out loud, as did the girl. We went into a huge fight that the girl was not able to win.

This dream may symbolize a period of transition and change in your life. The presence of your father may represent authority and guidance, while the rain could symbolize a cleansing or renewal. The money falling from the sky may represent unexpected opportunities or blessings coming your way. However, the need to retrieve it before it gets wet could suggest a sense of urgency or fear of missing out on these opportunities. The new school and church service may represent a new environment or belief system that you are exploring. The presence of Kevin, who is wearing yellow and white shoes, could symbolize positivity and new beginnings. However, his constant attention towards you and your subsequent avoidance may suggest inner conflicts or insecurities. The fight between your father and Aja Ramsey could symbolize a clash between traditional values and new ideas. Your decision to step in and defend the girl may represent your own inner strength and determination to stand up for what you believe in. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings about change, growth, and standing up for yourself.