A Dream of Confronting Racism and Struggling for Independence

A Dream of Confronting Racism and Struggling for Independence
I was in a classroom and it was my old elementary school and my Mother in Law was my teacher and she expelled me for saying black. Everything was very white and had some splashes of earth toned colors here and there. I had to clean out my locker and it was like a small apartment. All I had was a backpack and a friend I used to work with trying to help me pack. I came to a cupboard where there were 6 cobalt blue drinking glasses that I wanted to take but couldn't. I went to call my husband but couldn't use a phone because people kept getting there first. I couldn't use the stairs because they were roped off and there was running water in the locker room

This dream may reflect feelings of being judged or discriminated against for expressing oneself. The classroom setting and the presence of the dreamer’s mother-in-law as a teacher may symbolize a sense of authority or control over the dreamer’s actions and thoughts. The dreamer’s expulsion for saying ‘black’ could represent a fear of being punished or rejected for acknowledging or addressing issues of race. The predominance of white and earth toned colors may suggest a desire for harmony and balance, but also a lack of diversity or inclusivity. The dreamer’s small apartment-like locker may symbolize a limited sense of personal space or independence. The friend from a previous workplace may represent a sense of familiarity and support in navigating this challenging situation. The cobalt blue drinking glasses may symbolize a desire for clarity and understanding, but the dreamer’s inability to take them may suggest a feeling of being restricted or unable to fully express oneself. The struggle to reach the husband and the blocked stairs may represent obstacles in seeking support and finding a way to move forward. The running water in the locker room may symbolize emotions or thoughts that are overflowing and difficult to contain. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s inner conflict and struggle to confront issues of racism and assert their independence and identity.