A Dream of Confusion and Desire

A Dream of Confusion and Desire
The dream had started with me in a group watching some sort of biblical thing to which i had questions but the guy in charge didnt answer to raised hands it seems though he did seem to answer a different persons question probably because i didnt attend the guys church, i was convinced to go to the group with my cousin and all i remember was something about getting the food my cousin and i had just bought out of a locker like container everyone seemed to keep their food, he was excited when we got it but now seemed to care less and he didnt eat the items he claimed to want most, then, Me and my first ex seem to be together or attempting to be, i somehow at some point in the dream end up giving her a pair of shoes i was bought but hardly wore that looked pretty cool i just already had a different pair i wore alot, i overheard her on the phone with someone and got upset that she walked off to answer it and i accused her of talking to other men and demanded she tell the truth and that many dudes were hitting her up. she confessed to men hitting her up but claimed she was rejecting them or something because apparantly i accepted her response. Then apparantly in my dream theres an event in my house a huge one with like a school auditorium amount of people, and i decide to try and be nice and offer my ex and her best friend a variety of foods to choose from instead of the snack her and her friend were gonna share, i was in the sound booth and made a suggestion about the sound being moved too dramatically and it should only be moved a little, i also convince the guy to trick the guy who im guessing was the principal or the guy doing the talk or whatever on stage that the speakers are skipping by playing with the sound a bit and he leaves and ends up being gone a while cause noone answers the door when he knocks after he got back but someone let him in from the outside indicating to him he didnt need to knock because it was unlocked. but before any of that happened i had went to my ex and offered her the selection of food and she asked what all it was again and i said id text it to her but i also gestured with a physical gesture and comment about how i wished the guy whoever he was would hurry up and get this event done or just never come back because i wanted to "have sex" but instead of saying have sex i did the gesture, oh and at some point in the dream i step on a piece of glass

This dream may reflect feelings of confusion and uncertainty in your waking life. The biblical setting and unanswered questions may symbolize a search for guidance or answers in a spiritual or moral sense. Your cousin’s changing attitude towards the food may represent a lack of satisfaction or fulfillment in your current choices or relationships. The presence of your first ex and the gift of shoes may suggest unresolved feelings or a desire to reconnect with a past relationship. The accusation of infidelity and the large event in your house may represent feelings of insecurity or competition in your personal life. The desire for sexual intimacy may symbolize a need for emotional or physical connection. The piece of glass may represent a fear of being hurt or betrayed. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of inner conflicts and a longing for clarity and fulfillment in your waking life.