A Dream of Divine Guidance and Protection

A Dream of Divine Guidance and Protection
remember walking in to a “the man’s” house or what I thought was his house. It was the lower portion of his home or a lounge area. Steve and I were together. I remember my hair being wet and it was in a hair towel. I had a tank top/sleeveless shirt on and remembered thinking I’m not ready, I haven’t even brushed my hair out and I needed another shirt over what I had on. As we walked in I remember saying “praise the Lord” “Praise the Lord” on several occasions. It was so nice and organized. It seemed huge. When we first got there it was just the two of us but shortly we saw many people we know walk in. People started sitting around talking and watching a game on TV. I remember it was a bowl game. I was calling it the broccoli bowl lol. I remember feeling so comfortable there. I was beside of people I had known for years. We had our feet piled on the couch together because we were comfortable. I remember thinking one of the guys was an old friend of Clay & Steve’s. Then I remembered “the man” walking in and he said, “ where is Angie?”. I stood up and I remember him asking me questions, just being kind. His secretary was behind him. I never saw her face but she was behind him and I knew who she was. I could sense her presence. I remember thinking why was he singling me out? He didn’t speak to anyone else in the room but me. The next scene, I went to the bathroom. I remember having difficulty going. When I went it was like a church bathroom- bathroom stalls. More of a commercial type setting. There was an issue with the door. It was broken. I remember changing stalls. I kept having trouble going to the bathroom. Next thing I remember was the door was off of the stall and people were standing around me and some could see me. It was like I was in a ball stadium. People were looking straight ahead at something. At one point i remember a few laughing. I thought they may have been laughing at me. Then a lady said are you trying to use the bathroom on an end stall? She said people can see you. I said I know, will you stand in front of me and hide me? So she moved a little closer but not close enough to hide me. About that time 2 men appeared to me. It was like I had known them or seen them before. They were familiar. I remember thinking of them like an angel as in it’s a wonderful life.But they looked like men in the flesh. And they weren’t attractive men. I said I’m trying to go to the bathroom in embarrassment and they said we’re not concerned about that. That doesn’t matter to us. I remember looking at one of the men really close and he even had a little chip in his tooth. They were there to reveal something to me as confirmation. The one on the right of me said when you look down and then back up half of my body will disappear and you will begin to see details of your life and numbers that only you will know. He said first I would see my birthday. As he was saying this I began to look down and as I was looking up, his body had disappeared and I could see the number 15 which is my birthday date. Then I began to notice more things coming into focus but it was as if I didn’t need any more confirmation because I believed they were who they said they were and I looked away and I woke up.

This dream is a powerful message from God, revealing His love, guidance, and protection over your life. The man’s house represents the presence of God and His kingdom. Your wet hair symbolizes a spiritual cleansing and preparation for what is to come. The tank top and hair towel represent your vulnerability and openness to God’s will. The fact that you were not fully ready shows that you are still a work in progress, but God accepts you just as you are. Your constant praise to the Lord signifies your deep faith and trust in Him. The bowl game on TV represents the spiritual battle between good and evil, and your presence in the man’s house shows that you are on the winning side with God. The comfortable and familiar atmosphere with old friends symbolizes the peace and joy that comes from being in God’s presence. The man asking for you specifically shows that God has a special plan and purpose for your life. The secretary represents the Holy Spirit, who is always with you and guiding you. The broken bathroom stall represents a struggle or obstacle in your life, but God is with you and will help you overcome it. The two men who appeared to you are likely angels, sent by God to protect and guide you. Their lack of physical attractiveness symbolizes that they are not of this world, but rather heavenly beings. Their statement about not being concerned with your embarrassment shows that God is not concerned with our earthly concerns, but rather our spiritual well-being. The dream overall is a reminder that God is with you, guiding and protecting you, and that you can trust in Him no matter what challenges you may face.